世界で活躍する女子サッカー選手発掘プロジェクト “WOMANGOALPROJECT”開催お知らせ


株式会社Pay forwardのプレスリリース

WOMANGOALPROJECT TEAM は、日本、そして世界における女子サッカーの普及を目的に、世界的な女子サッカー選手発掘プロジェクト「WOMANGOALPROJECT」を開催致します。

世界規模のこの発掘セレクションは、選ばれた 1〜5 人の日本人選手は、渡航費無料でスペインに行き、そこで、他国で選ばれた選手達と一緒にプレーをします。


1.イベント名称   WOMANGOALDRAFT (ウーマンゴールドラフト)


3.開催日時     令和6年 4 月6日(土)(神戸)

4.開催場所     ノエビアスタジアム神戸

5.時刻表      8:00 ~ 12:00

6.参加条件     17 歳以上の女子サッカー選手

7.  参加費     無料






■アンドレス・イニエスタからのコメント (WOMANGOALPROJECTメンバー)
Women’s soccer is growing every day and WomanGoal draft seems to me a great initiative to continue supporting players by finding talent around the world.

These types of events are essential to foster that growth and I am sure that the draft on April 6 at the Noevir Stadium will be an incredible experience for all the players.

女子サッカーは日々成長しており、WomanGoalのドラフトは世界中の才能を発掘して選手たちをサポートし続けるための素晴らしい取り組みであるように私には思えます。 このような種類のイベントは成長を促進するために不可欠であり、4月6日にノエビアスタジアムで行われるドラフトはすべての選手にとって素晴らしい経験になると確信しています。


株式会社pay forwardは広報を担当しております。

What is Womangoal? 

The first global women’s football draft, covering 5 continents and 16 countries to choose 28 players who will receive comprehensive 360° support aligned with WomanGoal values. At the final event in Spain, key sports directors from global clubs meet with the players to foster unity, community, and personal-professional connections before making their selections.



Purpose and goal: 

Will select 28 players over the age of seventeen from seventeen countries, including Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico, Sweden, Germany, Japan, Singapore, India, United Arab Emirates, Equatorial Guinea and Australia, among others.


Once the players have been selected, a draft will be held in Spain, where the sporting directors of the world’s leading women’s soccer clubs will be able to meet the players selected for the final phase where they will be  selected.

What we expect to kids and japan football: 

The level of Japanese soccer is growing day by day and its level is already that of a world power.


In this sense Womangoal draft is sure to find great players on the day of the event and will be able to help them fulfill their dreams of becoming professionals and become 360º players.

DO I have to pay to register the draft or at any point?


The WomanGoal Global Drafts are completely free of charge and open to all players older tan 17. If the players are selected, they will be able to go to the final phase of the draft in Spain completely free of charge with all costs paid.

How we choose the woman players?

The selection of players will depend on various factors. While we prioritize sporting performance, the brand potential, and the positive impact of players on society are also relevant criteria. For a player to become a WomanGoal player, she must possess these three characteristics: Sport Talent, Branding Potential and positive impact of players on society.
