【ALTIRI CHIBA】トーマス・ラマス氏 アシスタントコーチ就任のお知らせ


株式会社アルティーリ(本社:千葉県千葉市、代表:新居佳英)は、B3リーグ2021-22シーズンにおいて、トーマス・ラマス氏がアルティーリ千葉のアシスタントコーチに就任したことをご報告いたします。[ENGLISH BELOW]


■Tomas, LAMAS(トーマス・ラマス)アシスタントコーチ

2012-19:OBRAS BASKET ユースカテゴリ(U15/U19)ヘッドコーチ
2019-20:PLATENSE BASQUET ユースカテゴリ(U15/U19)ヘッドコーチ 
      PLATENSE BASQUET トップチーム アシスタントコーチ
2020-21:ベルテックス静岡 アシスタントコーチ

■トーマス・ラマス アシスタントコーチのコメント
I am very happy to be a part of ALTIRI CHIBA and from my place I will try to help the team. I’m already waiting for the first home game and meeting all the fans.
Thank you very much for your continuous support.


■株式会社アルティーリ 代表取締役CEO 新居 佳英のコメント


社      名:株式会社アルティーリ
所 在 地:千葉県千葉市中央区問屋町1-35 千葉ポートサイドタワー22F

広報担当:内山( info@altiri.jp )

[ENGLISH] Altiri, Inc. (Head Office: Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture, Representative: Yoshihide Arai) is pleased to announce the inauguration of Tomas Lamas as the Assistant Coach for B3 LEAGUE 2021-22 Season of ALTIRI CHIBA.

We will continue to prepare for the season, and we would appreciate your continuous support.

■Tomas, LAMAS Assistant Coach
Born: 1994 December 27
Hometown: Argentina

■Coaching Experience
2012-19: OBRAS BASKET Head Coach of Training Category (U15/U19)
2019-20: PLATENSE BASQUET Head Coach of Training Category (U15/U19)
               PLATENSE BASQUET Second Assistant of the Professional Team
2020-21: Veltex Shizuoka Assistant Coach

■Greetings from Tomas Lamas Assistant Coach
I am very happy to be a part of ALTIRI CHIBA and from my place I will try to help the team. I’m already waiting for the first home game and meeting all the fans.
Thank you very much for your continuous support.

■Greetings from Yoshihide Arai, Representative Director of Altiri, Inc.
We are very pleased to announce that Tomas Lamas will be taking over as our Assistant Coach. He has started his coaching career since young and steadily built up his experience. We are more than happy about his participation in the team and hope for his further growth here at ALTIRI CHIBA.
Thank you for your continued support.

■About Company
Name: Altiri, Inc.
Address: Chiba Port Side Tower 22F, 1-35 Tonya-cho, Chuo-ward, Chiba-city, Chiba-prefecture
URL: https://altiri.jp

Name of Press Contact: Uchiyama( info@altiri.jp )

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